Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine Affair

It was another poster day for Hands On Studios and Blue Sky People, February 14th, 2008. Kyle Chesser, owner of Hands On Studios and Hands On Photography made sure that all the test models that passed through the studio had a good time. "We had a lively crowd. As usual, parents and kids alike seemed to love the experience here at the studio", remarked Kyle. On top of it all, Kyle's wife and kids even stopped by with their holiday cheer as they had made a gourmet meal for the hard working studio owner.

With productions becoming more visible at Hands On Studios and production dates stretching well into June 2008, Hands On Studios and Blue Sky People seem to be a great fit. One can only estimate that other company's will begin to realize that Hands On Photography and Hands On Studios are just that - "Hands On".